Definitions of this grapevine


In wine, acids are important components. They are responsible for the characteristic sensation of bright freshness on the palate, typical of white and sparkling wines.


Wines designated by the Italian Denominazione di Origine Controllata (Controlled Designation of Origin) that have distinctive characteristics of superior quality, determined by the grape variety and the area of ​​production, as well as by the processing and aging techniques


Wines designated by the Italian Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin) that are subjected to stricter rules than the DOC wines and that have been recognized for five years as a DOC wine.


Wines designated by the Italian Indicazione Geografica Tipica (Typical Geographical Identification) to define a geographical name of an area.


An insect pest of American origin that arrived in Europe in the second half of the 1800s and spread to all vineyards. It causes damage at the root level with the formation of knotty galls and then a consequent loss of water absorption capacity at the leaf level. The infection appears silently until you notice that the plants begin to die.


A fungal disease, similar to mildew, that makes the leaves on the vine brittle and then attacks the bunches preventing the berries from ripening.

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