An elegant wine with an intense character, Pecorino has a surprising capacity for maturation and refinement that lasts for many years.

With the origins of this grape in Central Italy, in the small town of Arquata del Tronto in the Piceno area of ​​the Marche, it is a popular international wine.

The cultivation of the vine and the production of wine are regulated by Offida DOCG Pecorino which protects its history, value and quality.


The best Pecorino, with strong acidity and intense minerality, can also mature for many years similar to aged red wines.
It is a characteristic that this wine shares with only a few other whites, including Riesling and Chenin Blanc.

A structured and complex wine, Pecorino presents a golden yellow color with a slight greenish reflection, great liveliness, crystalline and consistent.

The aroma is intense with balsamic notes of aromatic herbs, eucalyptus and mint with ripe yellow fruit of peaches, citrus bergamot and mineral components.
The mouthfeel is intense with persistent freshness and flavor.
The long finish has citrus and fresh sage references.

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